How it Works

For individuals and business who do not yet have logos or custom designs, browse Our Templates to find a custom design for you.

  1. Browse Our Templates if you’re looking for custom designs.

  2. Purchase custom items on Our Shop and work with Ecoverse to create your own products.

  3. Purchase and buy.

  4. Contact for even more customization.

  5. See the results!

    • Only requires a handful of minutes.

    • Encapsulates your unique flair and specifications.

    • Spans from elegantly simple to intricate designs.

Sample Pens for Animal Shelters in Korea!


Ecoverse combines two words: Ecosystem and Universe. We want to create an ecosystem for small businesses and individuals to thrive within our universe.

High quality designs

  • AI-Art generated designs

  • Free custom designs

Support small businesses and student ventures

  • Promote businesses through our network

  • Support sustainable businesses and students organizations

Affordable pricing

  • Customizable items at low cost

  • Support individual and small businesses

  • No charge for Logo Designs and setup fees

Endless Design Categories

  • 9+ Template category ideas

  • 30+ Customizable items

No Minimum Order Quanitities

  • Order the amount of customized items you want (1-200+)

  • No minimums on product orders