Your brand

meets AI Art.

Custom AI Designs for Small Businesses, Students, Fundraising,

Local Clubs and More!

Check out our CONRAD 2024 INNOVATOR video to learn more about ecoverse!

Customize your brand.

Customize your brand.

Branding is everything.

But as a small business, local organization, non-profit, or student club, customization is expensive and inaccessible.

Ecoverse allows you to use AI Art or EcoVerse’s custom templates to make custom designs. Commission your designs via our shop today.

Our Services

step 1

Browse our Digital Portfolio styles. Choose designs that will suit your organization’s brand.

step 2

Customize your design, choose color palettes, and work with EcoVerse to create a final design.

step 3

Commission your design through our store. Get the design on shirts, pens, posters, stickers, and more!